Where do we fish?

Where is Cape Verde?

The Cape Verde Islands – Cape Verde, are located in the Atlantic Ocean, 650 km west of Dakar – the capital of Senegal, the westernmost point of Africa. The Cape Verde archipelago consists of two groups of small islands.
The windward group consists of the islands: Santo Antau, Sao Vicente, Sao Nicolau, Santa Lucia, Sal, Boa Vista.
The leeward group includes larger islands: Santiago, Brava, Fogo, Mayu and very small ones: Branco, Grande, Dos Passaros, Luis Carneiro, Razo, Santa Maria, Sapado, Sima.

Relief of Cape Verde

The territory of the Republic of Cape Verde is dry and mostly desert, in some places reminiscent of a lunar landscape. This is what the islands of Sal and Boa Vista look like. A significant part of them is covered with mountainous terrain with extinct volcanoes.
On the islands of Santo Antau, Sao Vicente, Santiago, and Fogo, the climatic zones and the corresponding vegetation in some places change with altitude.
There is no seismic activity throughout the archipelago. Statistics say that only Fogo on the island of the same name can be considered an active volcano. The last eruption was recorded in 1995.
There are few natural bays on the islands due to the inaccessible rocky shores. Mindelo Harbor is an exception to this rule. This bay was formed on the site of a flooded crater. The most convenient marina on the islands is located here.

Climate of Cape Verde

Tropical, trade wind, dry. The average temperature varies slightly and stays around +26 throughout the year.
Winter +22/+24 (January – February), summer +24/+26 C. Precipitation is likely in August–October, when the southwestern monsoons blow. The water temperature off the coast is stable from 21 to 26C throughout the year.
Cape Verde in poetry is called islands woven from the wind. Indeed, due to the wind, there is neither heat nor stuffiness on the islands. The rainy season does not quite live up to its name during August – October, when the southwest monsoons blow, the likelihood of rain increases, but it is not at all certain that it will fall.

Fishing in Cape Verde

The Cape Verde archipelago (Cape Verde Islands) is known in certain circles as the best place for Big Game Fishing – marlin hunting. Blue marlin, white marlin, sailfish, and tuna are caught here almost all year round.
Fishing in Cape Verde cannot leave you indifferent. Every year the number of people wishing to try their luck in the strait between the islands of Sao Vicente and Santo Antau in pursuit of a strong ocean monster is growing. And now we are already making trips to both the island of Santa Luzia and the island of San Nicolau

What do we catch?

If you are a real, passionate fisherman, purposefully pursuing your trophy and visiting exotic places...

How do we catch?

Fishing enthusiasts have an idea of what trolling, surfcasting, and jigging are.

Where do we catch?

The Cape Verde Islands, Cabo Verde, are located in the Atlantic Ocean, 650 kilometres west of Dakar, the capital of Senegal....

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