An entire book could be written on how to catch marlin, but we will offer some basic tips for catching these big fish.


Marlin fishing with artificial lures

An entire book could be written on how to catch marlin, but we will offer some basic tips for catching these big fish.



the best

Hawaii has long been at the forefront of developing artificial lures for marlin fishing. It is recognized that Hawaii was the first place where developments of this method were made. Originally they made bait from materials such as carved wood, glass jars and bath towels, but today artificial bait makers have perfected their technology and make some of the best artificial marlin baits in the world.

The question of which bait is best to use when trolling marlin is very controversial: you can make real enemies for yourself by expressing your point of view and criticizing another. Therefore, we will leave the question of what type of artificial bait is best to use when fishing for marlin at your discretion.

Marlin bait fishing

You should only use live bait when the fishing area you are covering is quite small, as trolling with live bait requires the boat to move more slowly to keep the bait alive.

Areas such as those near buoys and steep underwater ledges where fish congregate are the best places to use live bait. Live bait can be a good alternative to artificial baits if you are in a fishing spot where you want to limit damage to your baits caused by wahoo or other large predatory fish.

Use quality tackle

Obviously, you don’t want to waste money on a Marlin fishing adventure only to have your tackle fail you when you feel the weight of a big fish at the end of your line.

There is no right or wrong tackle to use, but make sure your tackle is strong enough to handle the stress it will be under when you hook a big fish. Fishing charter boats will provide you with all the gear you need, but pay attention to reviews from previous clients to ensure that everything you are offered on the boat is in good condition.

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