
Sal Island

The island of Sal, with its stunning white sandy beaches, offers unique opportunities for sea-related activities such as swimming, surfing, windsurfing…

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Fogo Island

A wonderful road circles the entire island, connecting the town of SãoFilipe on the west coast with the village of Mosteiros (where the best national…

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Flight and visa support

For citizens of the countries of the former Soviet Union, no matter what route they fly, they do not need to obtain a visa in advance (and there is nowhere to do this). Come to the Republic of Cape Verde…

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How we work

A common practice for the global community of fishermen and captains is 100% prepayment of fixed dates, which is made directly to the account…

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Cape Verde is more than just fishing

First of all, we offer BIG GAME FISHING marlin fishing tours or CrazyTour fishing tours. But that doesn’t mean going on one of these tours…

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What are the different types of marlin and how do they differ?

Marlin fishing is one of the most challenging and exciting activities for an angler. Marlins are fast, strong and can be freaking huge! For example, striped…

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Best places to fish for marlin

When you decide to book a marlin fishing trip, it is important to think about the season you will be going out and the species of marlin you want to go after. In America…

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How to catch marlin?

An entire book could be written on how to catch marlin, but we will offer some basic tips for catching these big fish.

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